
Thursday, May 23, 2013

The original name for Hatshepsut is: Ghanmt  Amon Hatshepsut means: concubine Amon favorite ladies or concubine Amon Dora the princesses. She is the daughter of King Tuthmosis I and wife of Tuthmosis II and stepmother, Tuthmosis III, where fathered Tuthmosis II Thutmose III of a royal concubines.


Limestone statue of Tempered  Hatshepsut at the Metropolitan Museum. Statue produced without chin conventional aliases, but it keeps the rest of the Pharaonic symbols of power; live property - Clearly removed - and robe Alkhat head.
Queen Maat Ka Ra  Hatshepsut of (- 1482 BC.). One of the most famous queens in history, and the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty, ruled from 1503 BC. AD. Until 1482 BC. AD. And outdated Excellence strongly, construction and military flights carried out. It is the eldest daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt, King Thutmose I and her mother Queen Ahmose and her father the king had fathered illegitimate son is Tuthmosis II has accepted to marry him the habit of royal families to participate together in power after his death, and that a solution to the problem of the existence of the heir legitimate to him.
This queen left enigmatic many secrets and perhaps more of those puzzles exciting character "die" so the engineer who built her temple famous in Deir el-Bahari, which gave him 80 titles and was responsible for the care of her only daughter has reached from his love for Mlicth to dig a tunnel between the Necropolis and his tomb. And If hints historians came to indicate the presence of love had gathered Monday die and Hatshepsut they Queen Its own server also has participated in the "legendary life" and ended each end of the mysterious still a mystery until now.


Known rule of Hatshepsut peace and prosperity, where she was trying to maximum effort for the development of private and commercial relations with the countries of the ancient Near East to prevent any wars with them.

Taking office

Dgsr Dgsro is the main building in the mortuary temple for Hatshepsut complex at Deir el-Bahari. Designed by going to die, as an example of the full symmetry that precedes Alپarthynon thousand years.
Hatshepsut faced many problems at the beginning of its rule due to rule from behind the scenes without formal shape and some people say she killed her husband and her brother King Thutmose II to seize power but there is no sufficient evidence. On the other hand, had problems with people where most people see she is a woman and can not rule the country, as the king was in accordance with the known representative of the god Horus ruling on the ground. So it was always worn and festooned dressed men, and fostered she is the daughter of Amon to convince people that they can rule. At the same time it was legitimate Crown Thutmose III was still a boy and not able to take care of the interests of the country. Hatshepsut worked on the governance of the country to grow up, and took into account that brought up Thutmose III military education so that they can take the reins of power later. Hatshepsut trade movement has been active with neighbors Egypt, where trade was in poor condition, especially during the reign of King Tuthmosis II, and ordered the construction of several facilities, the temple of Karnak, also established a temple at Deir el-Bahari in Luxor, characterized restored to peace and prosperity.

Titles and the name of the coronation

From left to right: Queen Ahmose, King Thutmose I, Hatshepsut's mother and her father and then her sister's largest them Neferure.

Borders Egyptian empire during the reign of King Tuthmosis III, the fifth century BC.

First ladies, that hugging Amon.

Missions to neighboring countries

Cared Hatshepsut fleet Egyptian Commercial  large vessels and exploited in the inward transfer of obelisks, which ordered added to the Temple of Karnak glorification of the god Amun, or send ships on missions of trade with its neighbors, characterized by outdated welfare in Egypt and peace, and increased demand for materials entertainment brought about by the merchant fleets of neighboring countries, most notably the incense, perfumes, spices, plants and tropical trees and predators and leather.

Atlantic Mission: Queen Hatshepsut sent large fleet to the Atlantic Ocean and trade flourished with the Atlantic Ocean to the import of certain types of fish is rare.
Mission Puntland: sent Queen Hatshepsut trade mission aboard large ships based navigation in the Red Sea laden with gifts and goods Egyptian such as papyrus and linen to Puntland (Somalia now), Fastqubl king Pont mission well-received, then returned laden with large quantities of predators, wood and incense ebony and ivory, leather and gems. Queen Hatshepsut portrayed News that mission on the walls of Deir el-Bahari temple on the west bank of the Nile Andaloqsr. Still colors that adorn this temple graphics Zahera, retains Brongaha and beauty to a large extent.
Aswan Mission: Also depicted on the walls of the temple of Deir el-Bahari description Hatshepsut's mission to the granite quarries at Aswan to bring the huge stones of enterprises. The creates with great Mslten of Aswan granite glorification of the god Amun each amounts to about 35 tons, were then transferred on the Nile so good and Almseltan took their place in the temple of Karnak in Luxor. When visiting Napoleon during the French campaign on Egypt in 1879 ordered the transfer of one tow Obelisk to France, which until now adorned Place de la Concorde in Paris.
And admired by historians and engineers to this day the Egyptians ability to transfer those tow Obelisk rom Aswan to Luxor. The download tow Obelisk process then transported on ships Nile Anzalhma on land, then transferred to the ground to  Construction place is not easy at all. And over it is also construction of Almseltan in the place chosen for them exactly in front of the edifice built by Queen Hatshepsut temple of Karnak a few meters away from the monument. Engineers are still yet put their theories to the way followed by the ancient Egyptian engineer to do the work Jabbar. Not only that, it has the Hatshepsut ordered the establishment of an obelisk is the largest obelisk in the history of mankind is made up of a single piece of stone weighing over 1,000 tons to put the temple of Karnak, the ancient Egyptians Engineers left after they discovered a crack preclude their use. And is currently visiting tourists from all over the world to see the marvel that incomplete obelisk in Aswan quarry processing. And ask themselves: how ancient Egyptians wanted to move this giant obelisk to the Temple of Karnak? It describes a German Egyptologists ways of cutting the stone that the ancient Egyptians were dealing with the stone as if it were butter, and actually it can be seen in the quarry of Aswan and is now called (incomplete obelisk) •

Hatshepsut in popular culture

Of the most famous queens who Tulane ruled Egypt and is one of the beautiful, and Hatshepsut is the first to rebound gloves and that the presence of a congenital defect fingers (6 fingers or more in one hand) did not let people know about it until after seeing his body In most statues that made her was her hands seem neture it The order carvers so, also is the first of gloves embroidered with precious stones.

Military campaigns

One military campaign registered for the reign of Hatshepsut carried out by Thutmose III a seizure of Gaza and that was near the end of its rule. Some manuscripts such as the manuscript was found in a cemetery Snnmot (Senenmut (TT71 disclose disciplinary campaigns in Nubia and some other country which was under Egyptian authority.
Nuba disciplinary campaign at the beginning of its rule, and carried out by Hatshepsut. Stated in the manuscript to the President of the Treasury تيي Tij,
Punitive campaign against Syria and Palestine, according to the manuscript in Deir el-Bahari, plus a campaign against the rebellion in Nubia.

Campaign against the rebellion in the Nuba in the year 20 of the judgment (written on the board Tombos Tombos.)
Disciplinary crackdown on Mau Mau near the band Firka between the years 20 and 22 of the judgment.

Panel of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III offering sacrifices to the god Amun and see Hatshepsut in the foreground bearing incense and its successor, Tuthmosis wearing the white crown, crown of Upper Egypt, (the Vatican Museum)

Her death

Hatshepsut died in 10 of the second month of autumn (approved January 14, 1457 BC) during the 22 year of her reign. This came in the writing on the plate and found in arment. And the extent of the ancient Egyptian Manito Manetho her term of 21 years and nine months. I think in the past they killed because of the conflict to govern, but now has been verified from the mummy of Hatshepsut is clearly showing signs of a natural death, and the cause of her death was due to being struck with cancer or diabetes. The grave is located in the Valley of the Kings and symbolized by the number KV20. And Hatshepsut may have to expand her father's grave for use, and found the coffin is next to the coffin of her father.


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