ِِGod Amon

Friday, April 26, 2013

Amon, the god of the sun and the wind and fertility; one of the main gods in ancient Egyptian mythology (the religion of the ancient Egyptians), and the hidden meaning of his name. It is difficult to know how his name was pronounced precisely because the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing was used consonants (consonants), was named writes or  n the  It is possible because it was utter security with tilt breakage to the Open.


Amun, his wife Mut.
The worship of Amun (f security  of the Ra later) and their associated Religion of the most complex Theologiat ancient Egypt. In its highest form was  security Ra invisible god as the name means, but theologically it was not a hidden God alone, but his name was also cryptic though its shape can not perceive. In other words, the uncertainties surrounding Bamon is caused by the absolute perfection, and this was different from all the other Egyptian gods. His Holiness was important so that it remained separate from the universe creature. Was associated with air and this was a subtle force, which facilitated his promotion agency higher.
He Amon creator himself, (but the school Hermopolis (Ashmunein \ Hmon \ Khmno) Theological oldest considered one of the gods in Alojdod, Althamon known name), as was his ability to regenerate and re-created himself, which accounted for his ability to transform into a snake and put his skin, yet This has remained different from the creation, separate and independent of him.
Ptouhdh with Ra, the sun, reflected Amon of creation, but this collection security  of Ra in the same divine extremes: it is hidden as Amun was vague and disconnected from the world, and as Ra was clear and visible and donor of everyday life. The same logic it relates to Pmaat, the Egyptian concept of justice and balance in the universe.
Facilitated the hidden nature of Amon associate other gods. In good linked Amon First of all Bmonto the ancient god, then came associate excelled, and was followed by associate other gods, he knew names security  of the Ra  Atom and  security Ra  Monto and  security Ra  Hrakhca and Maine security . Here it should be noted that Amun was not integrated into the other gods to create a new god, but he was associate unified divine capacity.
At the height of worship Amun -  Re, approached many of the Egyptian religion being a monotheistic religion, where others have become gods height of his ability, or manifestations him. In short he became the only god and the top.
His wife was sometimes called Lamont, the feminine version of Amun, but often it was known by name Mott, and had a head of a human being wearing the double crown for tribal وجهين and sea, and it was their son Khonsu, the moon. Together formed the Theban Triad.
Argued that Amun was a god relatively new in the ancient Egyptian religion, where the worship in Thebes - where there is the oldest temples - not documented only from the Eleventh Dynasty, but is in fact found mentioned in متون Ahram, which returns to the era of King humans, the latter in Fifth Dynasty, which is shown as a symbol of the creative forces, consistent with role in Thamon the gods of Hermopolis, which gives the presence ahead largest.
Likely to be the worship of Amun began in Hermopolis, or that in the beginning was a local god of Thebes when it was still the town is of great importance.


Families of Ancient Egypt

When the family emerged eleventh County Herrmontis (Armant), or perhaps of the same good, lavished on the Karnak temple statues and gifts. When he managed the seventh Dynasty ten Tayyibis of the expulsion of the Hyksos, became Amon, the god of capital property, like large as a protector Egypt.
When carrying the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty weapons outside the Egyptian border known up to that time in the military campaigns successful on Syria and Nubia and Libya, has become Amon god nationally to Egypt, known universally, Tamsa light of all the gods of others and installed its position above the gods of the country's foreign Fshaat worship in Nubia and Libya, which the Egyptian culture were common in them. The kings of Egypt ratios all their victories and achievements and Omjadehm to Amun and Ogdqgua of wealth and gifts and booty on the temples. At this time, Amon replaced the warrior god Montu Agency Chairman of the city of Thebes, and became king of the gods.
Became Amun god Nubia in Dynasty and the twenty-fifth, as was the high priest of Amun at Kingdom بلانة (Nabbatea) and Marwa in control of all the affairs of state, فيختارون king and directing his military campaigns, but sometimes Argmonh on suicide as mention Sicilian ديودورس. This lasted until the third century BC, when the Erkaman (Arkamane Ergamenes) slaughtered priests.
Keep pace with the rise of Amon to the rank of national and global god with the growing importance of good. This accelerated with the rise pay security  of the first hinted (Sanپ the  August  Ra) in good governance and the founding of the Twelfth Dynasty, and culminating in an era when the modern state was celebrated in Eid Oپt. Coupled name security  of glimpsed the founder of this family on behalf of the god Amun and drive after three of his successors, as the Kings took Taibion ​​Many of the Middle Kingdom the same name later.
In rituals Christmas Oپt, a statue of Amun was carrying on a boat from Karnak to Thebes (Luxor) celebrated his marriage to Mott as Ka - death  - F to ينجبا the Konso to complete the Theban Triad, which is in this role was a creation capability.
Amon enjoy great popularity among the people where was proclaimed Bnasir the poor, and it protects the weak from the strong, and the protector of justice, and was asked for help from Amon to prove purity or purified from sins first.
The link Amon ownership means that the Egyptian King draws its strength from him as a son to him like what happened when I found Queen حتشپسوت (Maat  - Ka - Ra) which champion her, Vazmth the same and that they announced his daughter, and a girl her temple at Deir el-Bahari in his name. According to the official theology in the modern state was Amun -  Re is the one who has ruled Egypt by the king, and shows his will through his priests. But with the growing importance of God increased the power of his priests and grip ففرضوا control the political arena, and the case reached the dynasty that ruled Egypt from Kings soothsayers is a family-first century.

Photos of Amon in subhuman Authority, wearing a crown out of it two parallel, مستطيلان forms circular party, may represent ريشتان عظيمتان of tail Falcon Almstaartan of the god Min. There are two common types of filmed: in one of them depicted seated on a throne, and the other depicts the development of the penis upright (ithyphallic) the holding in his hand a whip, just as pictures god Maine. It is likely that this latest imaging is its original form, which was known as the god of fertility, which performs ceremonial ritual in front of the king is to cultivate the land or harvest yields.
During the eighteenth dynasty considered Egyptian goose (chenalopex) sacred Ktgesd the Amon, but it was more as the ram represents abundant wool of centuries brackets who have become knew his name centuries Amon and found represented in this way since the reign of Amenhotep III. (In contrast associated with old rams domestic type sender-haired and brominated straight centuries god Khnum). It also appeared in human form with a frog, a representative of role in Alojdod.
Sometimes the name of the sun god Ra paired as Amon to become Amon -  of Ra, especially when he was referred to as the "king of the gods" from the eighteenth dynasty, where he was sentenced heavens in Dinah ancient Egyptian god Ra. When the transfer of Amenemhat I capital to Atjtawi (at the edge of the Delta; yet to be discovered and can be a Liszt) increased the importance of this pairing excelled politically and theologically, which was something logical for god superior Kamon, who was nicknamed also "King of the mitral earths."
In Greek times was Amun -  Re sometimes depicted with a bearded man and the body of a scarab, Saqr wings and feet of humans and claws of a lion, with a view to give many different qualities to it.


Beginning of the reign of Thutmose IV of the eighteenth dynasty At the time I arrived in the worship of Amun to the zenith, began reverence abstract image of the sun is at Aton, running. Even Ahmose founder of the family found the inscription Imitdha that "Itten when shines." The worship of Aten reached the apogee when the campus of King Amenhotep IV, who became King Akhenaten common worship of Amun. Failure of Akhenaten in the imposition of worship of the god Aten on the people also failed to eliminate the influence of the priests of Amun, the powerful, فعادت religion old to what it was after his death and destroyed the effects and temples Aton and abandoned capital sister  Manhattan (Amarna) to good again at the hands of his successor Tut  - Ankh  - security, which was named before he took office Tut - Ankh - Itten and other Throwaway under the pressure of the priests of Amun to Tut - Ankh - Amun. In the period that followed the return of worship of Amun wrote hymns and prayers for security -  of Ra are almost monotheistic in its formulation and its meaning.
After the demise of the family twenty shift the center of gravity for good and began Amon authority in the dimness. Try Kings priests in the family twenty-first save the prestige of Amun as much as they can, and with that the capital of the Second Dynasty Twenty were in the north, but the priests of Amun continued to play an important role in the capital Antique Thebes, which had become the largest gathering of the temples in the world up to that time.
Consistently weak governance has increased the divide between Upper and Lower Egypt, and from that time was the veneration of Nubian kings of Amun which prevailed worship in their own land long is good for keeping its position, Fjaloha capital of theirs despite the fact that the cultural wealth and influence were not sufficient to influence.
The Amun is the god of good even in time of degradation, in addition to that he was the god most important for a number of deltas and temples of many small town of prestige in Middle Egypt to Canoپs on the Mediterranean Sea (near Abu Qir); also had a somewhat nationalist aspirations of local Upper Egypt in the face of Middle Egypt and the Delta.

Siwa hex

The famous hex has been established for several centuries in the Temple of Amun in Siwa Oasis in the Libyan desert which had enjoyed significant independence from the kings of the Nile Valley, and was famous when she disappeared without a trace Persian campaign addressed by Cambyses to the destruction of the Temple.
Famous hex Amon for the Greeks to the extent that Alexander the Great journeyed to it after the battle Asus gets the blessing and crowned Pharaoh of Egypt, called the son of Amon, as the kings of the eighteenth dynasty considered sons of Amon, the most fertile queen mother, and sometimes wore horns of the ram, and so images of Alexander Mrtdehma battered currencies


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