King Ra’

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ra or "Amun - Ra" is the god of the sun the ancient Egyptians, was Ra god head in the religion of ancient Egyptian in the era of the Fifth Dynasty, and was symbolized by the sun disk or the midday sun, centered worship beginning in the city (EN) or (Heliopolis) Also called by the Greeks .. The word "Online" means Egyptian city of the sun, and the ruling Egyptian families included the following (Ra) to (Horus) to become the god "Ra - Horus" or Ra - Harakhty of who ruled the sky and the earth, and the underworld .. God has been associated with the new bird falcon

Name = Ra
Asfth = sun god
Worship center = Heliopolis since the Fifth Dynasty, and also during the modern state in Thebes.
His mother: N (of Heliopolis Tasus)
His son = Hathor, sometimes called Sekhmet
Sons = Shu, Tefnut, Bassett, sometimes called Sekhmet
Symbols: obelisks in Heliopolis and Karnak, including the Mslten of Hatshepsut, one of them in Paris
His Ramses II built the lobby of the columns in Karnak, built his temple of Abu Simbel.
A property titles was "Son of Ra" (Sa - Ra)

Legend daily cycle

Ra trip every night through the world's infrastructure "tools" and their struggle against the forces of chaos there to show up in the morning sun of a new world. Sun Ra passenger boat and Snake Avubis flee from him
This myth explains the struggle of Ra every night against the forces of chaos and evil, represented in large snake called Apophis so that you can sun (Ra) appearing in the next morning in the high sky.
The sun god Ra, and when the sun disappears every evening alter the god Ra method Atqalh and riding a sacred compound expressed by the Nile under the ground. And expresses Ra during that trip 12 represents a 12-hour gate is the number of hours of the night (from 5 pm until five in the morning) in the infrastructure world, this year called the instruments, which resist the forces of chaos and dangers that correspond to the solar vehicle. The six God to help him through this journey where they stand on the prow The Snake Avubis threatens spear do not even come close. After that trip every night in the world's infrastructure Ra back for an encore and cast Bohath the life-giving on humans on the earth's surface. This Baath Lra Representative in the appearance of the sun every morning he considered ancient Egyptian sent a man and a sign of the triumph of the god Ra on a strong night chaos during his trip.
And remember the twelve gates in color on the coffins of the dead each door which belongs to a specific hour of the night hours.
The conflict between Ra and live Avubis every evening since the absence of the sun in the evening and they appear every morning myth daily cycle in the ancient Egyptian Almthologia.

Of the temple of Abu Simbel, Ra offers sacrifices to Ra.
Appeared cult of Ra (the sun) in Heliopolis in the north and its associated return daily cycle, and sometimes his code Ra - Harakhty (Horus and the sun disk on his head) during the fifth terrorism and has a built temples in Ain Shams in Abusir. One of the most important symbols of the obelisks that were in his honor and commends summit coated with gold. The cult of Ra arrived afterwards to Thebes and held him there several temples and several obelisks, and was part of the permanent title of king titles "Son of Ra". Lini also has Ramses II temple of Abu Simbel.


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