Ramses II

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ramses II was the third pharaoh of the nineteenth family, and his father was the first King City.
And LED Ramses II in 1303 BC and ruled Egypt for 67 years from 1279 BC. AD. Until 1212 BC. AD. Ascended to power in his early twenties. By the thought that he lived until he became 99 years old, but he probably died in early Tsainath. The book ancient Greeks (such as Herodotus) attributed his accomplishments to semi-legendary King Senusret III, who lived in the Middle Kingdom, and he called Greeks Sizostris.

Ramses II
Royal name: Maat secret Ra, step-Ra
This means: a strong Ra Maat, selected from Ra

Original Name: Marie Amun, Ra Msso

His life

Ramses II children

Ramses II was the son of the king of Egypt, Seti I and Queen Tuya, the most important of his wives his beloved Queen Nefertari, also had a number of wives, including high schools his wife Isis Novrt, and Maat Poplar Neferure, and Princess Haty. The number of his sons about 90 daughter and son of them: Bntanat and security Merritt, six Nacht., And his sons Prince Mrnپtah who succeeded his father as king on the throne of Egypt. Finally Prince Kha or AST, which repaired the effects of his ancestors. It was age brave and indicates that he was playing with اسده beloved and he was in the ninth from Amra then dresses and mother of the crown on the occasion of celebrating his ninth birthday and first day claimed the City of Ramses II knows how to be the ruler of and commander Mahbubamn the people.


Like most of the kings of the Egyptians, it was to Ramses several names. The most important two of them: the royal name and the original name appear hieroglyphs top to the left. And those names written in Arabic as follows: the secret shined Ra - step that also Golden Falcon Ra, and the second name: Ra MSU - Meri Amun, and their meaning: "a strong Ra Maat, the chosen of Ra, and I mean the second name in Arabic: the spirit of Ra, beloved of Amun." In the recital version of the aforementioned peace treaty with third Hatossells, that the King's name appears as follows: Hmoara Ramch.

His military career

Ramses II
Led Ramses II, several campaigns in the north to the Levant, and in the Battle of Kadesh second in the fourth year of his reign (1274 BC. AD.), The Egyptian troops under his command in conjunction with the forces of Muatales king of the Hittites lasted for fifteen years, but was unable to either party's defeat the other party. Thus in the twenty-first year of his reign (1258 s. M.), Concluded Ramses II treaty with Hatossells the third, the oldest peace treaty in history.
Led Ramses II are also several campaigns south of the First Cataract to Nubia, was established by Ramses City (Bur Ramiso) in the eastern Delta, which ran his battles with the Hittites has claimed some it has taken a new capital of the country and this of course is true, meanwhile, was the country's capital in place in Thebes The greatest thing left of the temples and the effects of leaving it there. Ramses II has been outstanding in the martial arts, war and was smart thinking comes a in the same Alhzh the solution was also skillful in horse riding and fighting with swords, fencing and threw darts was also good The spirit of moral and loving to his people


The maximum extent of the Egyptian empire during the reign of Ramses II.

The Ramses during the period of his reign to build a large number of buildings than any king of another Egyptian, has begun the completion of the temple initiated by his father in Abydos, then built a small temple of its own next to the temple of his father but destroyed leaving him only ruins, and in Karnak completed the construction of the temple, which has begun grandfather Ramses I, and lived in Thebes Ramesseum (called scholars of the nineteenth century this temple Mortuary name Ramesseum relative to Ramses II) a temple funerary huge built by Ramses of Amun and for himself, and there is a head huge taken from this temple and transported to the British Museum.
And established Ramses also Masterpiece magnificent temples of Abu Simbel Great Temple has carved in the rock and guarding the entrance to the temple four statues huge Ramses II, sitting, and increases the height of each statue of 20 meters, the small temple carved also in the rock to his wife Nefertari was dedicated to the worship of the goddess Hathor, the goddess of love and depicting cow's head, and there at the front of the temple 6 huge statues standing 4 of them to Ramses II and Queen Nefertari 2 statue rising up to about 10 meters 1
And the presence of each of these effects has in the south refutes the claim by some that the capital in the custody of the government in the Delta in the city (Bur Ramis) because everything behind and effects of the great temples in southern Egypt, where the capital as they are good.
The Monuments of Nubia threatened by drowning under the waters of Lake Nasser, but was rescued with the help of UNESCO, and the process of saving the temple of Abu Simbel is the largest and most complex of its kind, where it was transferred temples big and small to their position current, which rises from the ancient site of four and sixty meters, away a distance of one hundred and eighty meters
And established Ramses II, many of them obelisk obelisks remain Luxor Temple, and other obelisk currently exist in France Concorde Square in Paris, he moved a French engineer named Lepas.
As Ramses made the first peace treaty in the world with Khatossell the second king of the Hittites

His death

Burial of King Ramses II in the Valley of the Kings, in the cemetery kv7, but his body was transferred to the crypt mummies at Deir el-Bahari, which was discovered in 1881 by Gaston Maspero and transported to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, after five years, it was Ramses The height of his stature 170 cm, and medical examinations on His body show the effects of red hair, and is believed to have suffered from a severe rheumatic arthritis in recent years-old, and also suffered from gum disease.

Statue of Ramses II

Transfer statue of Ramses II at the beginning of the fifties and the development of the most famous areas of Cairo (field iron door), which changed its name to the field of Ramses, and in September 2005 he was transferred from the arena famous which is located in the center of Cairo in front of the railway station has been developed in the area of ​​the pyramids in Giza Governorate to make repairs it for a year and until the completion of the establishment of the new Egyptian Museum.

Claim that King Ramses is the Pharaoh, Moses

Due to the adoption of Western scientists on what they have of the Old Testament with the track times contained therein He thought many of the Orientalists and Western scholars that Ramses II is the same Pharaoh, Moses, who witnessed the presence of the children of Israel in Egypt and the owners of this theory: Albright - Aesflt - Roxy - Unger - father Daڤo the RP de Vaux and those who see it several views trying out to prove this hypothesis, went some to say that if Ramses II had ascended the throne in 1279 BC. AD it was on May 31, 1279 BC. M. Based on Egyptian history for his ascension to the throne of the third month of the season Chemo Day 27, but invalidates the theory rely on Altoreich, and perhaps be the first to call this theory Iusebeos the Agaysari who lived in the period from 275 to 339 AD.
As most Egyptologists have questioned the hypothesis that Ramses II is the Pharaoh, Moses, as a result of detailed historical research and because body examination proved that he did not die by drowning, contrary to what the followers of this theory tried to promote her claim the presence of traces of water in his lungs.
The French physician Maurice Bucaille has stated in his book (the Bible and the Quran and modern science) that he thinks that Merenptah, son of Ramses II is the closest to be the Pharaoh, Moses, was adopted in so that the Torah and the Bible confirms the existence of Fronan Asra period of Moses, one the upbringing and the other is from Pharaoh knew out who chased Moses and the children of Israel and أغرقة God in the Gulf of Suez.
However, the king Merneptah himself has submitted its instrument of his innocence of this theory. AAAA
Has provided us with Merneptah evidence of the fact that history out Moses came before hundreds of years and that including engraved on his portrait famous of what is known as a song of victory and that boast the victories on everything that surrounds its kingdoms and them (Asraúar) as the Egyptians call those tribes at the time, and described A provision Asraúar ancient Egyptian Alramz to the tribes and peoples stable with no homeland.
And also did not find any trace belongs to the reign of Ramses II in which he stated anything about Israel or Brown refers to the impact of calamity that God punished the ruler of Egypt and its people even paid to accept the request of the prophet of God Moses freeing them, and they came out of the land of Egypt.
As mentioned, the first mention of Israel in the Egyptian Antiquities old was in the reign of King Merenptah, son of Ramses II and his successor in office on the board that have been discovered and known as the Panel Israel or the song of victory and the record Merneptah victories on the land of Canaan and tribes Asraúar which denies categorically denied any possibility of the fact that Pharaoh Ramses II is Gearing and Merneptah is Pharaoh exit.

Coronation Name

Shown king of Egypt, a number of names (usually 5 names) includes the name of birth (Profile), named king of Upper and Lower Egypt, and the name affiliated with the god Horus (Falcon) ruling on the ground, and the name of the coronation which expresses the relationship of King gods. In the following chart we show the names of King Ramses II and its relationship to the gods Amon devout and complexes and Horus. The next display reads characters from left to right, contrary to what was written by the ancient Egyptian, it was usually written from right to left.


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