Valley of the Kings part2

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Constructed tombs first inside the cracks at the top of the slopes of debris avalanches stone and down the Falls was fed by rainwater from before (eg المقبرتين Cemetery 34 Cemetery 43), [18] with the depletion of this area began construction of cemeteries on the land of the valley itself and then returned gradually to climb on slopes again when it began flooding in deposits fill the valley floor, and demonstrates this theory to find the graves; Cemetery 62 and 63 Msheedtin Cemetery valley floor.

Creative downside corridor from in cemetery Tosrt West Nakht.
Designed cemeteries usually around a long corridor bearish carved into rocks, breaking Lobby or more (similar to the journey of the sun god toward the nether world [48]) and ends at the burial chamber, and in the beginning was the lanes spin rate of 90 degrees at least once during their march towards burial chamber (Kalmcyprh Cemetery 43 special Bthothomps IV), [49] as it was the burial chamber Khrtoshih shape, especially in cemeteries most ancient and early graves that have been constructed Valley of the Kings (This can be seen also in the tomb of Thutmose IV), and knew this design in the construction of cemeteries as system "axis curved", [50] and after the completion of burial mummy fill the upper part of the corridor leading to the room art debris then hide the door of the tomb under the sand, [51] At the end of the era of Amarna began to abandon the system of "axis curved" in the design of cemeteries and began Engineers in the design of cemeteries straighter gradually relying on a system of "axis Almehrol" in the central part of the cemetery (The Cemetery 57 special Bhormahb Nmozja ideal for this design, one of the cemeteries that are open its doors to visitors in some cases) even adopted the system "" axis straight "in the construction of tombs for Boakhar Dynasty ninth century and the kings of the Twentieth Dynasty (as is the case in المقبرتين Cemetery 11 Cemetery 6 two special برمسيس III and Ramses IX, respectively), [52] However straightening axis cemetery diminished inclination angle passages out even disappeared this tendency completely in the tombs of the kings of the Twentieth Dynasty, [53] is also dug wells inside of the hallmarks of graves that region was the purpose behind it is to reduce the amount of flood water that reaches the bottom of the burial chamber and then added to these wells religious character magic, is viewed as wells swallow the lives of thieves and abusers graves of kings and also of the fawn the spirit of the deceased to his body, [49] despite the fact that the well has not been drilled into some graves on the family century, but the room that has traditionally been drilled inside has been found in those graves. [49] [54 ]
 Main article: Ancient Egyptian funerary texts

Inscriptions from the tomb of Ramses IV.
Decorated most of the royal tombs pictures and religious texts; Valmkabr first decorated with scenes from Imydwat which means hieroglyphs (which is at the nether world) and describe these scenes journey of the sun god during the twelve-hour dark until dawn, and with the beginning of the era Horemheb began decorating the graves with scenes inspired by the book Doors and which depicts the crossing of the sun god of gates dark twelve that divides the night until his ascension to heaven at the beginning of the new day and then sends tranquility on the tomb owner and save him from a share of the night, [55] It is worth mentioning here that the royal tombs First Valley of the Kings were few decorations while non-ownership of graves were decorated at all.
By Dynasty nineteenth Added text book caves to the upper part of the cemetery which religious texts describe the nether world is divided into six caves severe arrogance meet the gods and humans waiting for the rise of the sun god to the sky will raise them all to life again, has been found to the full texts of the book caves in the tomb of Ramses VI, [55] while appearing tomb of Ramses III texts from the Book of the Earth, which describes the nether world is divided into four sections and ending texts recovered god no disk of the sun from the earth and climb it to the sky to begin eternal life. [56]
With the beginning of the era of Seti I began to decorate the ceilings graves scenes and religious texts inspired by the book of the heavens and which describes again journey of the sun god during the night hours twelve until his ascension to heaven again, also appeared for the first time the words of the prayer Ra on the walls of tombs for the first time, one of the funerary texts long represent the deceased Monologues for the sun god, asking him to motivate once again to life. [55]

One of the columns from the tomb of Seti I.
The contents of the cemetery
The cemetery is rich in contents within it which served as both the needs of the deceased that will enable him a comfortable life in the hereafter, also included graves of many Altaawes magical Kalawhpti addition to statues of the gods, also included graves of some of the holdings King in his first (as a pair slippers your Tutankhamun ) next to some of the holdings that are specifically designed to be buried with the king. [57]
Numbering graves [edit]
Used craftsman KV before each number to encode graves finder, and letters abbreviation for the word Kings' Valley and mean and Valley of the Kings in English, and the graves were numbered according to priority of discovery; beginning of the tomb of Rameses VII a cemetery 1 or KV1 and even the cemetery 63 (KV63) that was discovered in 2005, regardless of the fact that many of the graves have been discovered a long time ago except for the cemetery tomb 5, which was re-discovered in the nineties of the last century (after having ignored Mki_voha people and mind are not important historical work), [58] while using craftsman WV before ml number of coding graves that have been discovered in the valley west albeit follow the same numbering system used in the tombs of the Valley of the Kings (and letters abbreviation for the word West Valley and mean valley west English), although it has been circulated shortcut KV per graves discovered in the Valley of the Kings بشطريه; Valley East and Valley West with the beginning of the application of the good planning.
It is worth mentioning that there are some graves of others are busy, and others did not inferred on the identity of the owners after in addition to some drilling in the underground which was used for storage, [59] and located most of the graves open in the valley east Valley of the Kings where more tourists المرتادين for this region in addition to necessary facilities.
Eighteenth Dynasty [edit]

Inscriptions from the tomb of Thutmose III.

Curved axis design prevailing in the tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Vary tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty with each other in terms of design, decoration and the site where designed graves initially without putting designs prior or follow the designs cemeteries previous which is evident in the interior design unique tomb of Hatshepsut (tomb 20), especially in the descending passage twisted for a distance of 200 meters from the entrance to the cemetery Heta burial chamber, which lies on the surface a distance of 97 meters, and after this date began construction of cemeteries according to designs fixed and organization, and is considered مقبرتي Thutmose III and Thutmose IV and two المقبرتين Cemetery 34 cemetery 43 A good example of the tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty, both in terms of design approach curved axis system or simple motifs. [60]
The tomb of Amenhotep III Valley West (Cemetery 22) more tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty Excellency at all, [61] has been re-examine this cemetery in the nineties of the last century by the scientific team from the University of Waseda Japanese but this cemetery is not available for the visit so far. [62]
Since the beginning of the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty began to allow the burial of nobles in the cemetery next to the Kings, the most famous tombs of nobles Valley of the Kings tomb couple Yuya and Tiuyo (Cemetery 46) and الذان Iatkda to be my dad Queen تيي was Mqbernhma is the best tombs of the Valley of the Kings off until the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb [63].
Amarna era [edit]

The Almehrol axis design prevalent in the nineteenth family graves.
Notes that there is a significant change in interior design after the return of the royal tombs back to the good by the end of the era of Amarna, especially with the adoption of design axis Almehrol such as designing Nmozja the graves kings of this era, which paved the way for the adoption of design axis rectum during the era of households following, has been found to cemetery is finished in the valley western thought she was prepared for Akhenaten was not merely about being gateway and corridor bearish runway, near the cemetery there cemetery Khپr Khپro Ra any successor Tutankhamun is believed that this tomb was the tomb of Tutankhamun in the foundation (it contains the same method of etching and decoration used in the cemetery found the mummy of Tutankhamun inside) but was raped later to be buried by any means that the cemetery cemetery 62 is the tomb of Ay original and then an explanation for the relatively small size and patterns that do not keep pace with the inscriptions of the royal tombs at the time. [64 ]
The rest of the tombs of the kings of the era el-Amarna Vemogodh the central region in central eastern valley with the potential to be the cemetery of mummies found in the tomb other 55 are from the era of kings el-Amarna the likes تيي and the Smonkh Ka Ra and Akhenaten. [65]

Inscriptions of the burial chamber of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
And near the cemetery of mummies this lies the tomb of Tutankhamun, which is the largest revealed to archaeologists Westerners in the modern era, which was discovered by Howard Carter in the fourth of November 1922, which continued to work in the detection and restoration until 1932 and was the first royal tombs that are detected and found in good condition and almost complete despite the entry of thieves cemeteries them and were regarded as another Great Discoveries Valley of the Kings until the discovery of the tomb recent (Cemetery 63) on the tenth of March 2005, [66] Despite the small tomb relatively except that the contents of the cemetery indicate the prosperity witnessed the reign of Tutankhamun and there may still be other graves treasures include the largest than those Ahtutea the tomb of Tutankhamun. [67]
At the same central region, which includes Almkabrtin; Cemetery 62 cemetery 63 There is also a chamber 64 or cemetery 64 which is about defects in the layers of the earth Lower detection survey Alradaraa during project planning, a good announcement was discovered in the twenty-eighth of July 2006 on the grounds that cemetery or burial chamber at the very least, but that the Supreme Council of Antiquities returned to deny any claim to the presence of the ancient cemetery in this place. [68]
And near this area also exist cemetery Horemheb (tomb 57), which are rarely allowed visitors to enter, but it includes many of the distinctive features in addition to its decoration minute, which represent a transitional stage in the art of decoration of graves between the era of Amarna and the era of family ninth century that followed. [ 69]
Nineteenth family [edit]

Rectal axis design prevailing in the family tombs of the late nineteenth and twentieth family.
Saw the tombs of family nineteenth some sort of consistency, both in terms of design or inscriptions decorated the walls and the tomb of King Ramses I first graves family ninth century that have been constructed in the Valley of the Kings, and notes the wheel in the completion of the design due to the death of the king, Valmcyprh no more than a conduit bearish etched among the rocks finished chamber for burial However Valmcyprh contain many inscriptions vibrant addition to the coffin monarchy, and its average in the mid-valley indicates the relevance and importance of the owner and being one of the most graves that frequency by visitors after the death of the king during religious holidays and celebrations funeral, is also a cemetery Nmozja of the evolution of the design of the entrances to the royal tombs, as well as roads and inscriptions inside. [70]
The tomb of his son and crown prince of Seti I (Cemetery 17) (also known as the Tomb of Belzoni, as well as cemetery Apis) ranks as the best tombs of the valley at all what it contains frescos and Relief so that Belzoni himself when he rediscovered the tomb in 1817 declared that this day " ... the happiest days fortunate ... ". [71]
In turn, the foundations of Ramses the biggest son of Seti I and his successor to the throne of Egypt Cemetery enormous a cemetery 7 but in the case of severe التهالك and are currently subject to operations of conservation and restoration carried out by the Egyptian team - French joint led by Christian وبلانك, and the cemetery was built on an area larger than those constructed by the tomb of his father Seti I though they were almost the same length-two. [72] [73]

Sarcophagus of Merenptah before inside the tomb.
At the same time in which the Ramses the construction of his tomb special ordered work to expand the cemetery a noble family of eighteen anonymous (Cemetery 5) confrontation to his tomb so as to be the share of his sons, were detected 120 burial chamber inside the cemetery is still a work in progress which so far This is then believed to be the largest tombs of the Valley of the Kings at all, and when discovered for the first time and found the tomb open has stolen all of their contents, as it was prone to flooding sudden they hit the valley between now and then because of the design at a depth of low beneath the surface of the ground which led to the accumulation of many of sediment obliterated by the cemetery and landmarks narrowed area, which is subject to the rescue and repair operations and is available to visitors so far. [74]
As has been the discovery of the eldest son of Ramses II and his successor to the throne of Egypt; Merneptah, a long time ago a cemetery stretches along 160 Mather end chamber buried found where four coffins overlapping a coffin of King Stone inside three wooden coffins another, [75] and the walls of the cemetery topped with decorations nano which is open to visitors most of the year. [76]
And continued the same design (design axis Almehrol) following the Late Dynasty ninth century and who built tombs similar to those built by their ancestors before, and perhaps the cemetery Saptah best النمازج the graves late Dynasty ninth century to the content of decorations meticulous special decorations and patterns on the ceiling of the cemetery. [77]
Twenty-family [edit]
The six Nakht the first king of the Twentieth Dynasty have been found him on the graves separate, when is the beginning of the work in the cemetery of his son Ramses III first, led the excavation work to penetrate another cemetery and then ordered six Nakht to stop work on the cemetery and raped tomb for himself a cemetery cemetery 14 for Queen Tosrt Last nineteenth royal family and ordered the completion of their work and create a second burial chamber to become the cemetery so one of the largest royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings, which extends over an area of ​​more than 150 meters. [78]

Tomb of Ramses III.
It is also the tomb of Ramses III (known as Cemetery guitarists guitarist for content of the inscriptions of the performers this machine) is also one of the largest cemeteries in the region and is open to visitors and includes many of the frescoes colorful severe beauty which makes this cemetery tourist site always. [79]
And continued sons and successors of Ramses III in the construction of tombs using the same design approach (design axis rectum) also included cemeteries same inscriptions almost, and most important tombs that era cemetery Cemetery 2, برمسيس fourth and discovered since ancient times has been opened to visitors since a long time and they contain Many inscriptions written in hieratic, as it raised the walls of the cemetery several paintings inspired by the texts of many religious and the cemetery is one of the graves new remained in good condition, [80] another cemetery worthwhile is the cemetery 9 a cemetery joint Malkin Ramses V and Ramses VI (also known as as the tomb of Memnon), which is characterized بزخارفها magnificent inspired by religious texts, and the cemetery is the other have been discovered a long time ago and opened its doors to visitors from all over the place, which explains the presence of many of the inscriptions on the walls in various languages ​​Kallionanah old, Latin, Coptic, [81] has resulted in work exploration and detection of the cemetery as well as the owner of the building work for workers huts to blur the tomb of Tutankhamun, and perhaps this is why keeping the cemetery of early detection and tampering with its contents. [82]

Tomb of Ramses IX.
The tombs of the same historical era cemetery 6 and private برمسيس IX, one of the graves discovered an old, which explains the presence of inscriptions of Roman and Coptic on the walls of the cemetery, [58] which is located at the site average valley between المقبرتين Cemetery 5 and Cemetery 55, extending the cemetery for a distance of 105 meters on the side of the plateau including many closets side that are not decorated or even finish them, show the cemetery landmarks wheel in drilling and engraving (Vanakec incomplete after the first half of the cemetery), suggesting that they were not prepared as the king's death and then not finish them never even There were not a burial chamber was الاستيعاض them to bury the king in the lobby of the columns, which was completed at the time. [83]
Another cemetery of the same era graves cemetery is 19 and Bmentouhrkhbashv (son of Ramesses IX), a small cemetery with an incomplete pass, but includes high-resolution inscriptions has been the restoration of the cemetery and the recently opened to visitors. [84] [85]
Twenty-first Dynasty and the decline in the city mortuary [edit]
With the end of the era of the modern state Egypt entered a long period of association of political and economic terms weakened Fork Kings and lost their control over most of the southern provinces advertisers demise of the era of Ramesses and the state of the priests in Thebes, which ruled most parts of Upper Egypt while dwindled part controlled the kings of Egypt to include Lower Egypt only After that they took from the city of San El Hagar as their capital, and began attempts to use graves opened by Pinosm first High Priest of Amun at Thebes in the reign of the Egyptian family Eleventh and who added cartouche its own cemetery 4, [86] with the succession of years increased looting Valley, which pay the priests of Amun to open most of the graves and the transfer of mummies, all three cemeteries other in order to provide greater protection to those bodies, as they disarm all necklaces and bracelets golden mummies to stave off thieves, as they have in the late transfer of most of these mummies to the cemetery and one in the monastery Maritime (known as cache Deir el-Bahari), specifically in the cracks rocky existing بالهضاب overlooking the Temple of Hatshepsut's famous, and contained this mass grave on a wide range of royal mummies unorganized which has been putting a lot of them in coffins other than Twabathm personal. [35] [87] and even now it is not to identify the owners of many of these mummies, have been transferred to other mummies collective cemetery tomb of Amenhotep II (Cemetery 35) where it was found inside more than twelve mummy ownership. [88]
During the Third Intermediate Period and the successive eras used most of the open graves to bury يمتون unrelated members of the ruling families of Egypt, as used by the Coptic churches and stables for horses, and even as homes in which to live during the Coptic period of Egypt's history. [18]
Valley of the Kings secondary graves [edit]
 Main article: Valley of the Kings secondary graves
The vast majority of the graves of the five and sixty have been discovered in the Valley of the Kings could be called utter graves secondary to a two main reasons, namely either the scarcity of information about them and who their friends until the present day, or because the findings have not been codified adequately by Mcetkhviha indigenous or for the lack of attention Btfasilhm and recorded in a hurry to search for graves of other characters played a more prominent role in history, and the majority of these tombs are small and consist of one room for burial are accessed either through a well up to the surface of the earth or drawer performer for arcade bearish or group of passages interlocking that up in the end to the burial chamber, and this does not negate the existence of some Menhzh graves Larger includes compartments for multi-buried, has been to the graves of many purposes; some of which are devoted to bury figures ranking Royal minimum including those designed for special purposes, also contains some of the remains of animals mummified While it seems others are completely free has never buried any living organism before, in addition to the use of these cemeteries for purposes other than which they were designed, which explains find some collectibles relating to such uses, the Alrgmmn discover some of these graves since but the vast foot had been discovered late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, when the business was scouting in the valley on the most.
سارقو graves [edit]
Exposed graves almost all the looting since ancient times, [89] which was confirmed by several papyri that have been found and which carries the proceedings of the trials concerning thieves graves, due date of the papyri to the era of the Twentieth Dynasty, including papyrus (known as Papyrus Mayer B ), which includes a description of the confessions of the accused stole the tomb of Ramses VI, are likely to be those papyrus was written in the ninth year of the reign of Ramses IX:
   Taking Nsamon foreign to show us where the tomb of King Ramses VI ... and I spent four days in an attempt to overturn the door and accessible, and our presence we are five Active throughout those four days, so we opened the cemetery and دخلناها ... We found cauldron of bronze and three pots again for washing bronze .. [90].
Also suffered graves looted during the civil war unexpressed, which took place during the reign of Ramses IX, which opened tombs and recovered mummies have been stripped of Tire precious and finally pay them all to Jpantin major; first in the royal tomb of Amenhotep II, where the payment was Sixteen mummy and the rest in tomb of Amenhotep I, and during the next few years has been the transfer of all those mummies to the cemetery Deir el-Bahari, which was found on which more than forty mummy of ownership in addition to the coffins of their own, [91] were not spared from this absurd only graves that could not be accessed, specifically Cemetery Tut Tutankhamun and the cemetery Yuya, Tiuyo and the cemetery 63 newly discovered cemetery Although Almcyprta Tutankhamun and Yuya Tiuyo the have been Aqthamanma in the wake of their companions buried shortly. [92] although not Tsaba any harm.
Tourism [edit]

Deir el-Bahari, where Luxor Massacre occurred in 1997.
Most cemeteries are not available to visitors, there are eighteen cemetery only are all able tourists had rarely be available for the visit at the same time, as the officials close graves subject to repairs and restoration, [93] has resulted in a large number of visitors to the tomb of Tutankhamun to impose additional fees to enter the cemetery, and there is a cemetery and only one valley west open to visit a cemetery Ai be charged again for the visit, [47] [94] have also been preventing tour guides to bring your tourists inside the cemetery and workshops to explain the features its internal and became Ataaan on Tourists progress quietly in a row, all of this in order to reduce the time spent by visitors inside the cemetery and to prevent crowds from causing any damage in the inscriptions on the walls of tombs, were also prevent capture photos inside. [95]
In November of 1997, was located near the tourist convoys of Deir el-Bahari to an armed attack was carried out by militants from Jemaah Islamiyah members killed 58 tourists of different nationalities in addition to four Egyptians, which had a negative impact on tourism in the region. [96]
Estimated number of visitors to the valley east daily between four and five thousand and up to nine thousand in the days that come the Nile cruises to Luxor, The Ministry of Tourism in Egypt on the rise these rates to twenty-five thousand tourists a day by 2015, [97] and vary these figures strongly from those western valley where the cemetery is located only one open to visitors. [47]
Valley of the Kings and World Cinema [edit]

The Valley of the Kings is always a source of inspiration for the producers of the cinema world, as it contains the effects of the secrets of ancient Egypt attracts the attention of the viewer foreign seeking to learn more about the Pharaonic civilization and see the archaeological sites that did not allow him had before, has American cinema produced two films from movies adventures carrying the same name Valley, the first movie "Valley of the Kings" (in English: The Valley of Kings) product in 1954, [98] while produced other after this date ten years ago, [99] as was the Valley of the Kings the scene of the events of the American Film "wake up" (in English: The Awakening) product in 1980, [100] as well as several short dramas, whether America Oafrench. [101]
This is in addition to the many documentaries that talked about the tombs of the Valley of the Kings, including the limited Speaking on the tomb of the young King Tutankhamun, which was filmed and produced the first documentary film in 1938 which American film titled "Ancient Egypt" (in English: Ancient Egypt) and talked about the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun was only a nine-minute, [102] and then relay filming documentaries Valley of the Kings by international companies and most recently in 2004 under the title Seven Wonders of Ancient Egypt, in the sense of "Seven Wonders of Ancient Egypt". [103]
It was not the filmmakers of Egyptians and Arabs Bbaidyn for that region, which was the scene of the events of the Egyptian film grams at Karnak, [104] and which was produced in 1965 and moved his cameras between the Valley of the Kings and Deir el-Bahari and Abu Simbel, and is currently filming a serial televised Egyptians of the same name (the valley Kings) with a huge budget of over eighty million Egyptian pounds. [105]


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