Join the pyramids

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Extends from the Abu Rawash Giza until Hawara on the outskirts of Fayoum. It is the ownership of buildings built by the ancient Egyptians in the period AD 2630 BC. AD. And until the year 1530 BC. AD. Has included built of graded Kahrm the pyramid of Djoser (3630 BC.. - 2611 BC.). Saqqara to lugged pyramid shape in the form of a pyramid Kohramat Giza. And the sons of the king Cheops Pyramid property to go later in life. In the Old Kingdom Old Kingdom (2585 BC.. - 1640 BC.). Artists were Egyptians Anakecon the hieroglyphics on the walls of the burial chamber of the Royal Mummy texts a hymns followed the instructions in front of the gods and spells guarded in its path to the after life. These texts known texts of the pyramids Pyramid Texts. And during Azarethzh of the ancient kingdom built the great pyramids of stone but with time tell its size. Because it was expensive. For this, we find in the Middle Kingdom Middle Kingdom (2630 BC.. - 1640 BC.). Was building brick Milky of Tabn. The four-sided pyramids match Gahat the original four cardinal directions (north, south, east and west). Most constructed pyramids in the desert west of the Nile, where the sun sets behind. Because the ancient Egyptians believed that the spirit of the Dead King left his body to fly in the sky with the sun every day. When the sun sets to the west property back spirit to Necropolis pyramid to renew itself. The a vinegar Alohermat tide in the central North Alloa point of the pyramid. And Ernf the entrance of the Great Pyramid of 17 meters above the surface of the earth where the corridor leads down to the king's burial chamber. And change the design of the pyramids with time. But the entrance remained held in the north to lead to a path down to the bottom and Ahbana leads to the burial chamber of King, which was commended at a point in the center of the base of the pyramid. Sometimes were held rooms adjacent to the king's chamber to Tkhozbn belongings and things that will be used in his eschatological including valuables. Than was offered for looting and theft . The pyramid was built around a small temples and pyramids inside the temple priests and senior statesmen. Was connected to the port Oulabi Beach Nile and related multiple channels. Was called the valley temple, which was attached to a long path of high pyramid-roofed to walk it. This was the road stretches from the valley through the desert to lead to the temple of funerary called the Temple of the pyramid and was related to the status of the eastern facade of the pyramid, which was comprised of a group of pyramids, including the Pyramids of aftershocks and the Pyramids of Queens. This was the pyramids disciples small places for burial and did not know her secret. Was the statues represent the spirit of King . Queens pyramids were small, simple and small around the temples were dedicated to the burial of his wives granulocytic him. Called the pyramid of Khufu Pyramid where the desert west of Giza in Egypt and beside a pyramid of King Khafre (son of Khufu) and King Menkaure (grandson of Cheops.) And the method of burial has begun I have ancient Egyptians tombs of ancient to the pyramids between the years 2920 BC. AD. To the year 2770 BC.. Since 2770 BC. AD. -2649 BC. AD. Kings were buried in the town of Abydos in the graves of a brick walls above a bench of sand. In the year 2649 BC. AD. Until the year 2575 BC.. Kings were buried under the mud-brick terrace. But King Djoser, who ruled from the year 2630 BC. AD. Until 2611 BC. AD. Built his pyramid Saqqara, which is a large square area of ​​deck and topped with a gradient terraces space composed topped with a pyramid. Consists of 6 terraces. Was designed by the architect Amenhotep minister. Then he took the Kings building Massadobam of stones. The first of the sons was a real pyramid of King Sneferu in Dahshur town., And between the years 2465 BC.. And 2323 BC. AD. I took ownership does not care pyramids built well. In the era of the New Kingdom (1550 BC.. -1070 BC. AD.) Is no longer kings buried in pyramids and transferred cemetery burial site in the Valley of the Kings, where their new capital Luxor (Thebes).


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