Pharaonic legends part 1 (Creation myth and nurture)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Habit of the old man was the most important things that had occupied the ancient Egyptian thought is an original creation, so it appeared many myths about

Beginning of the gods and the universe. Was., There were three myths about the creation and upbringing depending on the initial three different theories attributed to the city

Heliopolis and Hermopolis's second and third Memphis but in the end overcame legend Heliopolis after that mix some views

Small theories of Hermopolis and Memphis., But we will summarize the three legends as follows.

Initial myth is Heliopolis legend that is that the universe has originated from water is the problem of so-called non emanated from God

Atum, who appeared on the first hill called Knoll or Myriad creation - and the god Atum equal to the god Ra - The god Atum then finding

Altumin "Shu" god of the air and "Tefnut" housewife humidity and are the ones who created a turn god "Jeb" god of the earth goddess, "Knott" housewife

The sky, then resulted in the "Osiris and Isis Lost and Naftis"

The Count of gods nine called divine Baltasus (any compound nine gods) This Altasus considered a single divine entity was derived

This system of cosmic theory which portray the universe in the form of Trinity be Shaw god of air, standing in his hands Sanda body

Extended to the sky goddess Nut and lying god den at his feet.

The second theory, which originated in Hermopolis says that material non-problem existed before the origins of the universe and its Qrkant four

Qualities comparable to of eight Allalhh in pairs and they are:

"Nun, and Nonat the" god and goddess of eternal water (water first).

"Hoj and Houhat" god and goddess of the vacuum (space)

"Cook and Coquette" god and goddess of darkness

"Amun and Amonet the" god and goddess of the shadows

Before the emergence of the earth are these gods were just recipes for non-material problem (representation) has formed this gods Thamon the Hermopolis

(Gods Complex eight) also emerged from Article others problem of eternal Knoll (I) in Hermopolis and those Knoll

There was an egg that came out of the sun god and then taking the sun god in the organization of the world ..

The third theory that emerged in Memphis - after it became the capital of Egypt - tried to glorify God "Ptah," the god of Memphis put him in

Myth of the origins of the universe biggest creator god but made it contains 8 other gods, some of Altasus Alhleopolasa and the rest

Althamon Hermobolisa.

Atum has occupied a special place in this theory and enter the duo "Nun, and Topat the" Group as Your Tatten (one of the gods of Memphis)

Which is considered the embodiment of the god who emerged it Article eternal first and then added four other gods is precisely defined.

According to the theory, the god Atum carries qualities of vigor and vitality of the god Ptah, the qualities by which verify creation, but

Recipes acumen (the idea), heart and embodies the god Horus and then the will and the tongue and embodied god Thoth is said to be the god Ptah has built

The world in a mental image before you create it with the word ('Be).

Note: we will find in the next some of the myths the names of some of the gods is composed of more than clip and this shows either on the evolution of God

Original to several characters and either a merger of some of the gods in the form of the machine to the greatest.


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