Myth of Osiris

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Osiris, god of the Baath Party and the account is the President of the Court of the dead when the ancient Egyptians, of gods Altasus Bible headquarters in ancient Egyptian religion. According to the legend of the ancient Egyptian religious Osiris was the brother of Isis, Hnevicas and six, and married Isis. And their father are Jeb god of the earth and Knott gods sky.

According to the myth of Egypt, killing his brother villain six, the symbol of evil, where the work of celebratory display where the ark of the wonderful, the audience falls asleep in it but it was not suitable only for Osiris and then Olqahust in the Nile River and cut limb and throw them to the four corners of the Nile Valley, cried Isis and her sister him so much and began Isis journey in search of the remains of her husband and everywhere found it part of his body built Egyptian temples such as the Temple of Abydos, which dating of this incident and the location of the temple took place in the first capital of ancient Egypt (Abydos), where they found the head of Osiris and graphics Almabdalve set up by King Seti I Abu Ramses II, the famous mural graphics explain what was done by Isis to collect the body of Osiris, and then the process of combining them to bear the son of the god Horus, which addresses his father to take revenge from his uncle because of his victory over death gave Osiris eternal life and divinity to the second world.

Accounting dead before Osiris, the god Tut recorded by the pen as a result of the balance, and the Beast Kharafi "Amamot" the stands ready to devour the dead and his heart if a liar, a criminal in his life.

Osiris held accountable for the dead

Horus sired four sons, were: "Habi" and the "Omestia" and "Dwamutf" (which means "protector of his mother") and "Kphassanov" (which means "drink given to his brother"). Found in the Book of the Dead is usually a picture of Osiris seated on a throne in the afterlife and to his successor to any conclusion based Isis Hnevicas, and in front of four sons of Horus son young help him in the calculation of the Dead.
The perception that the ancient Egyptian Horus deceased will come after his success in the test and submit it to the balance of Osiris, and gives a beautiful Mlabassa and enters the garden, "Paradise." Before that it is imperative that business process is the weight of the Dead in the world by putting his heart in one of the scales of justice, and put at stake other complexes feather, symbol "justice and Allokhalaq of the normal." If badminton is heavier than the heart of the Dead, it means that that the deceased was good in his life and to create a cream takes the Mlabassa beautiful garden and enters "paradise" to live a happy satisfied. But if the weight of the heart of the deceased featherweight means is that he was in his mighty sticks. Then thrown heart and deceased to the imaginary animal be standing next to the balance - named Amamot: head lion's head and body Hippo body and tail of a crocodile tail - Vilthmh this animal Alto and this is the end of eternity.

God Capricorn
The embalming of the god Osiris by the god Anubis became the ancient god of mummification


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