Pharaonic legends part 5 (Myth trip sun ..)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Book Egyptian mythology remains is richer and richer, where contain an explanation of each noted by ancient Egyptians of the features of the movement of nature in their own way ..

Of the things that I'm interested in Egyptian sun journey by night and by day, showed the myths about the sun at night most important trip that the sun is born of the goddess "Knott" goddess of the sky and that generate them every morning and die every night in her arms.

But the other myth that have had the greatest influence and resonated when the Egyptians is that the sun was scouring the heavens in a boat sailing the Nile in the heavenly.

This is called the boat a boat millions of years and in the morning called boat Manzh (any boat Moon), and in the evening called boat Msktaat (any boat evening) and at night the intervention composite kingdom of the night, which is also called the world's other known as the instruments and divided the world into 12 regions each region has a name private and separated from the other region gate guarded by the Secretary of the guard. These regions correspond to twelve hours at night.

There is also a boat many gods that protect the sun god of all the risks of the night and each section of the goddess know the password and without password does not allow the boat to pass even the existence of the god Ra.

And there two incidents Tqaa during this first trip ongoing attempt by the Abu Snake Face (Aabeb) to prevent the passage of the sun, but each time defeated guardian deities, and throughout this journey in the kingdom of the night the sun is dead.

The second incident is an interview sun dead of the god expert in the form of make (is the god who forms the Egyptians in the form of beetle and beetle hieroglyphics mean the news so Fajbri means Alkhnevsaúa, and it also means the object and the news means the entity, it was believed that it could give the entity the soul of others), and expert Kalkhnevsa the sun ball pays to the other world in the evening and there waits to Yahya sun while unite his soul with the spirit of the god Ra, then pushes the ball of the sun above the Earth's horizon.

And combine the spirit of Ra with God in the form of expert make leads to the return of the spirit of Ra to life and complements walk alive to sunrise and repeated this trip every day


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