Rosetta Stone

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rosetta Stone (English: Rosetta stone) is a stone engraved with the provisions of hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek, was the key to solving mystery writing Heroglafah, called the Rosetta stone because it was discovered in the Rosetta branch located at the mouth of the River Nile in the Mediterranean.
Discovered by a French officer on 19 July 1799 during the French campaign has been engraved in 196 BC. AD. This stone royal decree was issued in the city of Memphis in 196 BC. AD. Has been issued by the priests in commemoration of Ptolemy V, and therefore three languages ​​hieroglyphic and demotic (Coptic means the modern language of the ancient Egyptians) and Greek, and it was soon discovered a mystery to Goya does not explain the hundreds of years ago, because the three languages ​​was then languages ​​dead, until the French scientist Jian Francois Champollion and interpreted these languages ​​after emulated text and Greek texts hieroglyphics again, this indicates that these languages ​​were prevalent during the rule of the Ptolemies of Egypt for more than 150 years, and the hieroglyphic language sacred religious current in the temples, and the language Demotic was the language of writing popular (colloquial Egyptian), Greek Ancient Greek was the language of the rulers, and had been translated into the Greek language in order to understand it. Content Writing was glorifying the Pharaoh of Egypt and accomplishments good for the priests and the people of Egypt, has been written by priests to read from the public and private senior Egyptian ruling class. The British scientist Thomas Young have discovered that hieroglyphs consist of semantics voice, and the names of ownership written inside the forms oval (cartridges), and this discovery led to decipher the French scientist Jean-Francois Champollion symbols of hieroglyphics, and could Champollion decode the hieroglyphics in 1822, because the text Greek words for 54 lines and easy to read Mmajolh distinguishes names rulers Ptolemaic written in colloquial Egyptian, and thus the detection prospects identified civilization ancient Egyptians and decoding symbols and translation sciences after the revival of the language after her death through the centuries, and became hieroglyphics and alphabet taught anyone who wants to study science Egyptology. British and stone taken from the French forces, and laid him in the British Museum.

Translation of the first part of the text of the Rosetta Stone

(English translation from the Greek language)
During the reign of King Little, who succeeded his father Kjellalh King crowns owner Great established by Egypt and the Savior of the gods victorious over his enemies, who returned a dignified life for people Supervisor celebrate the thirtieth year of equitable like Hephaestus largest king like the sun. King of the two countries, North and South great son of the god Velobatorres recognized by Hephaestus that is backed by the sun's victory live Xues Son of Ptolemy sun. Vlieich lovable Ptah. In the ninth year (I) Aetos son of Aetos priest of Alexandria and the Sotiris أدولفى gods and the gods Aburcati and Velobatorres.
(The paragraph in the text come to glorify the gods of the Greeks and then goes on)
On the fourteenth day of the month Xandikus corresponding day 18 of month Egyptian Amshir. Decree: met senior priests and Almenbin and those who are allowed to enter the Temple to the service of gods and holders and fans holy book and other priests of the temples come from all over the country who came to Memphis to meet with King on the occasion of his coronation. Ptolemy Vlieich the lovable Petah the Epiphanes Ocharistos god who succeeded his father. Gathered on this day in the temple of Memphis and testified that King Ptolemy Vlieich lovable Ptah, the god Epiphanes Ocharistos son of King Ptolemy and Queen Arsinoe gods Velobatorres that improved the temple and those employed therein, as well as to all the people and he is a god I'm a god (like Horos son of Isis and Osiris avenger of his father) and that sanctifies the gods. Foot of the temple of wealth and income grains and a lot of exchange for the prosperity of Egypt and provided supplies temples. A generous his fortune private and the abolition of royalties and taxes that were due in Egypt, and cut again until people are able to live in luxury during his reign and canceled the debt owed to the palace and there are many outstanding in Egypt and the rest of the Kingdom, as well as the release of these sojourn in prison and others caught up in issues a long time ago dropped their charges located them and ordered to continue to share the gods of the proceeds of the temple and entered the temple Annual them either grain or of wealth as well as from Agheitan, parks and other lands granted to them, which was dedicated to the gods in the reign of his father and decided on the priests, that they do not increase the fee baptized function priesthood for what was planned in the reign of his father in the first year of his reign and exempts members of the priesthood of the cord and the duty to attend every year to Alexandria and ordered that no one be forced to work in the fleet.

Image Rosetta Stone, Full resolution: 7 MB

The lower the taxes that the temple be paid to the palace for Textiles pesos by two-thirds and the reform of the crash of things over the years where cares to implement all obligations inherited from ancient times to the gods and within all individuals equal justice such as Hermes great great and something that allows for fugitives from the ranks of the army and others who have had bad intentions during the days of the rebellion to take back their belongings when they return also taken action to guide the cavalry and infantry and fleet to repel those who were attacks on Egypt from the sea, land and monitoring of large sums of money and large amounts of grain in order to live the temples and people in the country in safety.
(This part here is about two-fifths of the text)


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