Pharaonic legends part 2 (Destruction of human beings legend)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A new chapter of the Book of Egyptian mythology can easily touch the effect on human thinking even today ..

This myth occurred at a time when he lived gods and kings together on the ground.

When Ra was ruled Egypt, where Ra aging began making humans conspire around him but he realized what intention he called gods for consultation

On this matter, and agreed to send the gods Ra eye (which is in the appearance of sun goddess Hathor) in order to crush the conspirators.

Have shown their ability and severity them Vlqubt the "Sekhmet" any strong, and then returned again determined to Alqdhaoualnhaúy the them.

But Ra pity on humans sent messengers to the island "Elephantine" to the bring a great deal of red fruit called "Dee Dee" and ordered Ra prepare seven thousand pitcher of beer mixed with fruit beer to appear like blood.

On the day that I went Hathor to destroy human beings is Ra pouring wine in the fields, and when God made ​​and drank them become intoxicated

Completely, making it a memorable mission.

Despite Ra humans did not stop some of them from doing sins fed chest Bathamanm and with gone to heaven riding the back of the cow
Leaving the heavenly god Thoth represented him on the ground.


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